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Handmade 3D and 2D motion design for a PSA on water conservation, featuring custom animations and graphics that effectively communicate the importance of saving water and promoting eco-friendly practices.

This public service announcement aims to raise awareness about the importance of conserving water.


The Earth is 70% Water, but only .007% is fresh. To help our planet prosper, let's do our best to use less. Try a military shower, fix your leaky taps, use water-saving products, and let's all consume a little less stuff. Your wallet will thank you, and so will the planet.


So get on board and conserve some water! To find out how much water you consume, visit.

Breakdown video showcasing motion design techniques for a PSA on water conservation, featuring detailed insights into custom 3D and 2D animations used to highlight the importance of water-saving measures and eco-friendly practices.
Breakdown video showcasing motion design techniques for a PSA on water conservation, featuring detailed insights into custom 3D and 2D animations used to highlight the importance of water-saving measures and eco-friendly practices.
Storyboard Sketch Social Media Conten Creation for Instagram, X, and Facebook
Storyboard Sketch Social Media Conten Creation for Instagram, X, and Facebook


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Video Content Servicing London, UK, Asheville & Charlotte, NC, Greenville, SC, Atlanta, GA, Greater Baltimore Area.


Video Content Servicing London, UK, Asheville & Charlotte, NC, Greenville, SC, Atlanta, GA, Greater Baltimore Area.

Personal Servicing London, UK, Asheville & Charlotte, NC, Greenville, SC, Atlanta, GA, Greater Baltimore Area.


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